Create group policies

Provide real-time alerting to anyone impacted by disruptive weather using our Widgets feature!

Create my widget

  1. Navigate to the widget-building tool and click the "Add Widget" button.
  2. Select the organization location you're creating the widget for and give your widget a name.
  3. The lightning delay countdown timer will automatically populate on the widget.
  4. Pick your primary condition preference. This will take up most of the page with the timer. 
  5. Add secondary conditions (optional) and/or forecast data. The current conditions are coming from your Perry Weather weather station or the closest data source.
  6. Assign a user group. This ensures your widget is aligned with your organization's policy alerts.
  7. Add a custom message to communicate updates or announcements. Give it an expiration date so you can set it and forget it.
  8. Change the theme and update the background of your choice. 

Share my widget

  1. Click the "get embed code" button. 
  2. Use the copy tool to copy and paste the embed code needed for websites
  3. To add your widget to your member app, digital scoreboard, smart TV, etc. use the copy tool to copy and paste the shareable URL. 
  4. If there's someone on your team who can help, simply enter their email and share all of the above. 

Pro Tip! Share the widget with your notification only users. The widget can be bookmarked to any browser or saved to the home screen of an iPhone.