Activate and set up my Perry Weather account


1. You'll receive an activation email to set up your Perry Weather user account. 

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2. Once you accept the invitation, you will be directed to the web dashboard to set your password. 

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3. Log in to the web dashboard to customize your account setup!

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If you happen to experience any issues during the activation process, please contact for additional help.

Add your location

  1. Log in to the web dashboard here
  2. Click the "Add Location" button from the top corner of the homepage. 
  3. Select the location you need to monitor and save. Note- if you don't see all of your locations available, contact

Notification Settings

  1. Click your name in the top right corner and select notification settings from the drop-down
  2. Adjust your notification schedule.
  3. Opt-in to receive a daily forecast email. It will be sent at 4:00 am CST.
  4. Opt-in to receive a precipitation notification when there is rain forecasted for your location.
  5. We sign up every user to receive NWS notifications for winter, tornado, thunderstorm, flash flood, fog, special weather statement, hurricane, and tropical storm.
  6. Choose between SMS or push notifications. For SMS- make sure your cell phone is entered by clicking your name in the top right corner again and viewing your profile settings.