Adding a user (web dashboard)

Perry Weather will support all Admin users in adding, editing, or deleting users. Feel free to submit your changes to

The software subscription provides two user packages; full software users and/or notification-only users. For full software users, there are 3 permission levels available.

Admin Full editing permissions. Cannot edit other Admin users.
Limited Admin Admin editing permissions for their assigned user group, cannot edit group policies.
Basic Cannot access any admin features, web dashboard homepage and mobile app access.
Notification Only No software access, will receive group policy alerts for their assigned user group.


Add a user

  1. Click the "Users" icon from the left side of the dashboard.
  2. Click the "Add User" button from the top right corner.
  3. Enter a name, email address, and cell number (optional). Apply the permission level, user group, and organization location(s) they need to monitor (optional).
  4. After you save, a full software user will receive an activation email to set up their user account. A notification-only user will receive a text and/or email letting them know they will receive Perry Weather notifications.